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Aspire to Inspire…

Being a swim coach since 2014, my excitement for playing a role in pushing and inspiring young minds is continuously growing tremendously. Through coaching, I have realized how rewarding a career in teaching would be specifically through art. I believe teaching students discipline and hard work is important. As a swim coach, I am constantly pushing my swimmers physically and mentally to their own unique potential. However I believe there are better ways than others to achieve this.  My philosophy of education is to build self love and confidence. I believe that to be a good teacher, one must go beyond regurgitating information.  A good teacher must be very creative while pushing and setting standards, because every child and person is not made the same.  What is interesting to one, might not be interesting to another and it is a teacher’s job to pay attention to what motivates students to help them learn the subject matter, ignite passion, promote self confidence to achieve artistic & academic goals. 

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